소스 검색


zjh 2 년 전




+ 3 - 3

@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
         FROM t_material_price tmp
-                 JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON ( tm2.status = '1' AND tm2.is_del='0' AND tm2.mat_id = tmp.mat_id )
+                 JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON ( tm2.status = '0' AND tm2.is_del='0' AND tm2.mat_id = tmp.mat_id )
                  LEFT JOIN b_material m ON m.k_mat_name = substring_index(substring_index(substring_index(substring_index(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(REPLACE(tm2.mat_name,'【配送】',''),'5',''),'1',''),'*',''),'d',''),'K',''),'G',''),'P',''),'Z',''),'配方颗粒',''),'颗粒',''),'(',1),'(',1),'[',1),'<',1)
                  LEFT JOIN t_app_material_mapping p (ON p.mat_price_id = tmp.mat_price_id and p.k_mat_id=m.k_mat_id)
         WHERE tm2.is_del = '0' and tm2.drug_id = #{drugId} AND p.mat_price_id IS NULL AND m.k_mat_id IS NOT NULL
@@ -116,12 +116,12 @@
         bm.k_mat_name as kMatName
             t_material_price AS tmp
-                JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON ( tm2.status = '1' AND tm2.is_del='0' AND tm2.mat_id = tmp.mat_id )
+                JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON ( tm2.status = '0' AND tm2.is_del='0' AND tm2.mat_id = tmp.mat_id )
                 JOIN t_drug_list AS tdl ON (tm2.drug_id = tdl.drug_id and tdl.drug_type='0')
                 LEFT JOIN t_app_material_mapping AS tamm ON(tamm.drug_id = tm2.drug_id AND tamm.mat_price_id = tmp.mat_price_id )
                 LEFT JOIN b_material AS bm ON(bm.k_mat_id=tamm.k_mat_id )
                 LEFT JOIN t_pharmacy AS tp ON(tdl.drug_id = tp.drug_id)
-        where tmp.status='1'
+        where tmp.status='0'
         <if test=" isMapping == 1">
             and bm.k_mat_id is not null

+ 6 - 6

@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@
         FROM t_material_price tmp
-                 JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON (tm2.status = '1' AND tm2.is_del = '0' AND tm2.mat_id = tmp.mat_id)
+                 JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON (tm2.status = '0' AND tm2.is_del = '0' AND tm2.mat_id = tmp.mat_id)
                  left join t_material_price as tmp2 on(1=1)
             LEFT JOIN t_material m ON (
-            tmp2.mat_id=m.mat_id and m.status='1' and m.is_del='0' and
+            tmp2.mat_id=m.mat_id and m.status='0' and m.is_del='0' and
             m.mat_name = substring_index(substring_index(substring_index(substring_index(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(REPLACE(tm2.mat_name,'【配送】',''),'5',''),'1',''),'*',''),'d',''),'K',''),'G',''),'P',''),'Z',''),'配方颗粒',''),'颗粒',''),'(',1),'(',1),'[',1),'&lt;',1)
             left join t_drug_list as tdl on( tdl.drug_id=m.drug_id and tdl.drug_type='1' )
@@ -132,14 +132,14 @@
             tmp11.mat_price_id as matPriceIdHis
                 t_material_price AS tmp
-                JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON ( tm2.status = '1' AND tm2.is_del='0' AND tm2.mat_id = tmp.mat_id )
+                JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON ( tm2.status = '0' AND tm2.is_del='0' AND tm2.mat_id = tmp.mat_id )
                 JOIN t_drug_list AS tdl ON (tm2.drug_id = tdl.drug_id and tdl.drug_type='0')
                 LEFT JOIN t_center_his_mapping AS tchm ON(tchm.drug_id = tm2.drug_id AND tchm.mat_price_id = tmp.mat_price_id )
-            left join t_material_price AS tmp11 on (tmp11.status='1' and tmp11.mat_id=tchm.drug_id_his and tmp11.mat_price_id=tchm.mat_price_id_his)
-            left JOIN t_material AS tm22 ON ( tm22.status = '1' AND tm22.is_del='0' AND tm22.mat_id = tmp11.mat_id )
+            left join t_material_price AS tmp11 on (tmp11.status='0' and tmp11.mat_id=tchm.drug_id_his and tmp11.mat_price_id=tchm.mat_price_id_his)
+            left JOIN t_material AS tm22 ON ( tm22.status = '0' AND tm22.is_del='0' AND tm22.mat_id = tmp11.mat_id )
             left JOIN t_drug_list AS tdl11 ON (tm22.drug_id = tdl11.drug_id and tdl11.drug_type='1')
             LEFT JOIN t_pharmacy AS tp ON(tdl.drug_id = tp.drug_id)
-        where tmp.status='1'
+        where tmp.status='0'
         <if test=" isMapping == 1">
             and tm22.k_mat_id is not null

+ 4 - 4

@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
         tm2.drug_id as drugId
         t_drug_list AS tdl
-        JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON (tm2.drug_id = tdl.drug_id AND tm2.status = '1' and tm2.is_del='0')
+        JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON (tm2.drug_id = tdl.drug_id AND tm2.status = '0' and tm2.is_del='0')
         LEFT JOIN t_standard_material_mapping AS tsmm ON(tsmm.drug_id = tm2.drug_id AND tsmm.mat_id = tm2.mat_id
         <if test=" sMatType !=null and sMatType !=''">
             AND tsmm.s_mat_type = #{sMatType}
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
-            tdl.status='1' and tdl.drug_type='0'
+            tdl.status='0' and tdl.drug_type='0'
             <if test=" drugId !=null and drugId !=''">
                  and tdl.drug_id = #{drugId}
@@ -183,11 +183,11 @@ group by tm2.mat_id
         t_drug_list AS tdl
-        JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON (tm2.drug_id = tdl.drug_id AND tm2.status = '1' and tm2.is_del='0')
+        JOIN t_material AS tm2 ON (tm2.drug_id = tdl.drug_id AND tm2.status = '0' and tm2.is_del='0')
         LEFT JOIN t_standard_material_mapping AS tsmm ON(tsmm.drug_id = tm2.drug_id AND tsmm.mat_id = tm2.mat_id)
         LEFT JOIN b_standard_mat AS bsm ON(bsm.s_id=tsmm.s_id)
-        tdl.status='1' and tdl.drug_type='0' and tdl.drug_id = #{drugId} and tsmm.s_id IS NULL
+        tdl.status='0' and tdl.drug_type='0' and tdl.drug_id = #{drugId} and tsmm.s_id IS NULL

+ 1 - 1

@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
         left join sys_institution i on i.INS_CODE = p.INS_CODE and p.APP_ID = i.APP_ID
         left join sys_app a on a.APP_ID = p.APP_ID
-        p.status = '1'
+        p.status = '0'
             <if test=" menuId != null and menuId!='' ">
                 and p.menu_id = #{menuId}